Re-enactors brought the story of Lewis and Clark to life, taking campers into the past to experience a prominent piece of history

(KTIV) - Re-Enactors came to Sioux City exploring a part of history, to highlight an important event that happened back in the 1800′s.

Re-enactors took Sioux City back in time, to mark the days that Lewis and Clark and their crew traveled nearly 200 years ago.

“We do our research, and we try to portray as accurately as we can, what it was like back then,” said Dwight Peters, Private John Potts re-enactor.

At the Sergeant Floyd River Museum and Welcome Center, authentic tents, camp equipment, uniforms and firearms were set up like those used during the expedition. All the Re-enactors got the feel of their characters by sleeping and eating outside throughout the weekend. Peters describes what really gets him into character.

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