Plan Your Field Trip
Thank you for your interest in visiting the Sioux City Public Museum. The first step in arranging a visit is to contact Museum education staff at museumeducation@sioux-city.org or (712) 279-6174.
A Museum Educator will help to make the most of your Museum visit by scheduling a tour or program that is age-appropriate, assisting with parking needs, and providing other guidance.
Education / Educator Resources / Plan Your Field Trip
Find all the information you need for your Field Trip here or download the Planning your Museum Visit PDF
Parking & Directions
The Museum offers a convenient bus loading zone on the Nebraska Street side of the building just north of the 4th & Nebraska intersection.
When scheduling your visit with a Museum educator, you may arrange to have designated parking. The loading zone will be marked by red bagged parking meters and buses may park in the loading zone while students are in the Museum. On-street metered parking & the ramps parking structure are available for cars.
Directions for the Sioux City Public Museum are available on the Visitor Information page.
Arrival & Check-In
Groups enter and leave through the Museum’s main entrance on 4th Street & Nebraska. Plan to arrive about 5 minutes early. Teachers should check in at the welcome desk once all students & chaperones are present.
A Museum educator will lead the group to a classroom where students can hang their coats. The students will be briefed on Museum conduct & their tour will begin in the Theater with an orientation film.
Museum Conduct Guidelines
Please review these museum guidelines with your group before your visit. Any group not following the below guidelines will be asked to leave the Museum.
Many of the artifacts & specimens throughout the Museum are not to be touched. Help us protect our priceless treasures by respecting our collections.
Please use "inside voices" throughout the Museum at all times. Safety is our first concern – no running, yelling, listening to radios or using museum exhibit cases as drawing surfaces is allowed.
Other visitors will be sharing the exhibition space. It is very important that your group is focused and respectful of others.
No food, drink, candy, or chewing gum is allowed in the exhibition halls. Please dispose of all garbage in trash receptacles.
The Sioux City Public Museum welcomes visitors of all abilities to its exhibits and education programs.
We recognize the diversity of students’ needs and abilities and strive to provide an inclusive environment for everyone. The Sioux City Public Museum is ADA accessible.
A trip to the Museum Store is available at the conclusion of your visit. There is no tax on items sold in the store. Please bring money in small denominations if possible (i.e. $1 or $5 bills).
All proceeds go to support educational programs. Please give the Store list for schools to your students prior to their visit if your time at the Museum is limited.
Questions or concerns regarding your group’s visit to the Museum should be directed to the Education staff
We look forward to your visit!